How to show appreciation with flowers


Today's quandary is from Matthew:

“My friend (of about 1 year) is giving a performance this weekend. We are not romantically involved but I am looking to show my appreciation after the show with flowers. She has an amazing voice and I'm sure will be awesome, but I am unsure of what flowers to give.” Matthew

Two things jumped out at me after reading Matthew’s message. Firstly that he wants to show his admiration for the performance and secondly that him and his friend are not romantically involved.

Different flowers have very different meanings which is fascinating. The most famous of all would probably have to be red roses, which is renowned to demonstrate passion and a deep felt love, but did you know that they can represent courage and respect?

Yellow roses typically suggests friendship, while pink roses say grace and perfect happiness.

Sunflowers indicate adoration, pride and sunshine while Marigolds apparently suggest cruelty and grief. And to think those pretty, bold colours would represent such pain!

So what does Matthew do? If he would like to follow the traditional meanings of flowers then I would suggest a bunch of white lilies (Lily of the Valley) which says sweetness, humility and return of happiness.

Another possibility is one of my all time favourites which is the Iris that suggests valor, faith, wisdom and “My Compliments”.

On the other hand, some people like particular flowers for their scent, colour and shape and there are no rules about following tradition, so a mixed bunch of flowers within Matthew’s price range would also be appreciated.

You can check out Ready Flowers Australia’s guide for the meaning of flowers and see what your favourite means. Let me know in the comment section below!

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